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An Analysis of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Advertising in Ireland

The findings are most encouraging for magazine publishers and validate research which is already available in the UK and in America which verifies that magazine advertising works.
The research was commissioned by the magazine publishers’ group – Magazines Ireland and was conducted by the Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business at UCD. It covers both consumer and B2B magazines on the island of Ireland.

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The main findings conclude that:

Compared to other media, magazines have a closer, more personal, more individual relationship with their readers.

It is the medium that respondents felt best reflected their personal beliefs and attitudes.
Advertising in magazines is shown to be more credible and relevant.
Magazines can have a strong influence on the purchase decision.
Compared to other media, magazines contain little or no advertising waste.
In relation to newspapers, magazines:

are significantly read more from cover to cover
are “referred back to” more often and therefore the advertising works harder.

Grace Aungier, Chief Executive, Magazines Ireland said “This research now arms our members with an even stronger case to make to advertisers on the power of magazines as a medium. It gives advertising agencies concrete proof of the benefits of magazines as a major advertising medium within the Irish market”.

©Magazines Ireland